Supporting those who are helping our neighbors.
With air being basically the only way into some of the hurricane destroyed areas, Drones2Jets is working to support the fuel and supply costs for those flying in and dropping supplies. You can help too, click here or on the picture to the right to donate.
We can accept checks, DAF and other means of donations for this project. Please use PO BOX 1959, Davidson, NC 28036 or contact for additional information.
Blue Collar Co. built confidence in young woman, provided a hand up to many and now they need our help to rebuild their facilities. Donate here.
What We Do
MAIF funds projects that impact the lives
of children who are underprivileged,
marginalized, underserved, economomically
disadvantaged, neglected, abused,
distressed or simply in need.
What We Don’t
MAIF does not fund event sponsorship,
organization overhead, political
organizations or individuals – checks
are written to either vendors or service
providers rather than individuals.